Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey 1546: Sonnet X

Alas so all things now do hold their peace:
Heaven and earth disturbed in nothing:
The beasts, the ayre, the birdes their song do cease:
The nightès chare the starres about doth bring:
Calme is the Sea, the waves worke lesse and lesse:
So am not I, whom love alas doth wring,
Bringing before my face the great encrease
Of my desires, whereat I wepe and sing,
In joy and wo, as in a doutfull ease.
For my swete thoughtes sometime do pleasure bring:
But by and by the cause of my disease
Geves me a pang, that inwardly doth sting.
When that I thinke what griefe it is againe,
To live and lacke the thing should ridde my paine.


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